We only associate with extraordinary people, who are inspired by extraordinary people, whose aim is to help others find the extraordinary in their everyday life
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All of the practitioners and teachers are highly skilled, but they are also magical. This means that they have trained hard but also followed their burning interest and remained true to their honest questions about whether what they are doing is the only way. They have tried to answer their own genuine questions about life in context and in detail.
This means that they look to teach and to learn from fellow practitioners and public alike to improve beyond their current boundaries. The reason that we state this in public is to keep us true to our word. It also tends to attract practitioners of a certain kind, namely those who are very confident of what they can do, and are humbled by what they cannot, grateful of the hard journey they have taken, but in awe of their lack of understanding.
The practical effect of this is that practitioners at Miller’s Way are in the habit of collaborating with each other by observing each other’s treatments, taking each other's classes and working together on presentation workshops.
If you are a teacher or practitioner and do not feel that this describes you please do not contact us to work or train here, we are just not meant to work together at the moment.