Ben Medder
21 Mar 2023
Start training using a State of Play. A class exploring joint health and whole body unity through ancestral movement patterns and the power of play.
Training the fundamental human attributes of awareness, co-ordination, strength, spring and balance in mind and body to engage with life in a constantly adapting STate Of Play
This is a class exploring joint health and whole body unity through ancestral movement patterns and the power of play.
In the class we explore 2 main areas:-
Ancestral Forms
A balance between human ancestral movement patterns and whole-body forms from traditional arts and practices, to provide awareness and feedback to our dialogue with gravity
and how we age.
Playful & Alive Practice
Test, play and stay engaged with what you learn in a safe and joyful environment. Explore the individual practice further, consolidate and discover new creative possibilities using
tasks, games and diverse situations to encourage adaptability
Games and tasks using:
Creative games to test your body intelligence
Simple tools and objects
Collaborative partner games and interactions
Play as an optimal learning state to stay focussed, consistent and find joy in movement