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Natural Movement Coaching

Ben Medder



Ben is a movement coach specialising in helping people discover and craft their own toolbag of movement training and practices that work for their body and context. He guides & leads people to explore, understand, and enjoy how their bodies move, whilst empowering them to solve challenges they may face, whether that is injury, a specific training goal or a lack of motivation for exercise. He has a knack for the balance between making training fun and sustainable so that it can lead to being insightful and meaningful.


Ben developed his movement coaching approach by studying from a wide variety of movement teachers and practitioners, including natural movement, martial arts, dance, Parkour, running coaching, mobility development, strength training and more. He has taught internationally across the UK and Europe and is recognised as one of the earliest contributors to the UK movement training scene.


As an Evolve Move Play natural movement coach and a Fighting Monkey Instructor, Ben invites people to run, jump, climb, wrestle, dance and play, but also emphasises the importance of stillness, observational and capacity-building practices, and determining what supplemental training aligns harmoniously with their available time and energy.


Ben sees movement practice as an opportunity to reconnect and observe relationships with body, people, and place. He believes that play provides a chance to nurture a creative capacity within one's physical and social environment and discover the most authentic expression of oneself through the gateway and vehicle of physical practice and the body.


Ben’s love of natural movement and reconnection to our bodies, nature, rapport with others and play drives everything he does, and he is constantly learning as much as he can from a wide variety of sources.


  • Movement Training

  • Natural Movement

  • Evolve Move Play Coach

  • FRC (Functional Range Conditioning) Mobility Specialist

  • Fighting Monkey Instructor

  • Functional Foot Map Practitioner


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