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Women's Self Defence

With Mir Ali and Advisors

Six week course on the fundamentals of Self Defence

@ Miller's Way, London


In this course you will learn how to protect yourself against attack and how to handle adverse
circumstances. You will also practice responding to and being proactive in threatening and
violent situations, as well as receive advice on the legalities of doing so.
6 week course - This course is not running at the moment. If you are interested in getting a group together please contact us and we will organise it for you.
Special Guest
Melissa Ong who is a solicitor and has previously worked with women's groups will present a short talk regarding the legalities of “fighting back”
  • Situational awareness
  • How to respond to and be proactive in threatening and violent situations
  • Physical exercises
  • Breathing and calming techniques
This course has now ended but please do get in touch if you would be interested in attending a similar workshop in the future:
Your Instructor

Mir Ali, a lifelong martial artist and full time Acupuncturist, has been teaching martial arts and regular self defence seminars since the mid 1990’s.  He holds regular private sessions for groups and individuals and has held self defence seminars open to the public in Shepherds Bush specifically for women and girls for the last two years.

Mir Ali

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